My blog in Finnish (blogini suomeksi): Neula ja lankaa

Sunday 30 March 2008

Reading a lot

(posted on Neula ja lankaa 27 December 2007)

23rd of December I finished reading Diane Setterfields The Thirteenth Tale. I had to finish it before Christmas Eve because I had a feeling that I might get some books from Santa. :)

The book is about Margaret Lea who is a passionate reader and works at her fathers antiquarian bookshop. She gets a letter from Vida Winter who is a famous and loved author. Vida finally wants to tell the truth about her life and wants Margaret to write the story. The book takes the reader deep on Vidas past and tells a peculiar story. The ending was surprising which was really refreshing since nowdays you can quite easily guess what happens in the end of most books.

Santa brought me Marko Leino's book Joulutarina (A Christmas Story), and I started to read it right away. I finished it the next day.

Main character in a book is Nikolas Pukki and the book tells a story of his life from when he is five years old, brisk little boy to when is an old man. Christmas has a big meaning in his life since every year he moves to a new family on a Christmas Day as the whole village raises the orphan boy. He starts to carve wooden toys to all the children of the families he has lived in and when years go by he becomes the mythical character we all know: Santa Claus. Even if the book is named Christmas Story it is not very chistmassy but a story off growing up with all the happy and unhappy moments of life. Book is based on o movie script and in some parts I felt like the author assumes that the reader has seen the movie and knows what everything looks like. Characters and places would have needed more describing. Luckily I have a good imagination so it fixed the holes in a story. :)

Reading now: Kate Jacobs' Friday Night Knitting Club.

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