My blog in Finnish (blogini suomeksi): Neula ja lankaa

Sunday 30 March 2008

Read another one

(posted on Neula ja lankaa 7 January 2008)

5th of January I finished reading Pieni Lankakauppa (Friday Night Knitting Club). I read till half past twelve at night since I was so close to the end that I couldn't put the book down before it ended. Book is about Geaorgia, a single mum who owns a yarn shop. Every friday a group of very different people start to gather to the shop to knit or just talk about life. One thing that made the book interesting is of course the theme but at the beginning it was a bit boring. But after about a hundred pages the story took me in a grip and it was hard to put the book down. I read it in Finnish and I think it lost something in translation, at least there were some grammar errors and misspellings and when that happens it takes some of the magic away since it takes you away from the world you have travelled to. I would love to read the book in English so I could see whether it works better in original language. But after all it was a good book and I can't wait to see the movie when it comes out (I heard Julia Roberts is playing Georgia).

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