My blog in Finnish (blogini suomeksi): Neula ja lankaa

Monday 10 January 2011

Crazy January Challenge 10/15 "Moutons de saisons: Hiver"

Ten projects started, five to go. Only two are sure things, the final three will still be a mystery even to me. What in the earth will we do on Sunday when we don't have a new start ahead of us? Maybe we'll continue stitching our Crazy January Challenge charts. I might finish the bookmark I started on the day three. This has been so much fun starting all these new charts eventhough I have heard people calling us crazy. :) Well crazy or not but sure has been fun! Today I started another seasonal sheep chart, this time the winter. You can see my yesterday's start peeking from under the model picture.

Chart: Collection Tralala "Moutons de saisons: Hiver"
You can see the chart on Violarium.
Fabric: 25ct Floba
Stitched with one thread over one


Shelleen said...

All of your challenges are great! can't wait to see the progresses on them all year and finishes.

Sue said...

Another good start, these will be fun to watch grow.

Anonymous said...

Another beauty!! It looks really really good stitched over one!