My blog in Finnish (blogini suomeksi): Neula ja lankaa

Sunday 27 March 2011

Pimp my bin

A second post today! :) See the stitching related one below too. 

My old bin in the bathroom was purple. I have no idea why I ever bought a purple bin since I have never had anything purple in my home. Well I finally decided to do something about it, bought the spray paints, printed a nice pic from the internet, cut the stencil and started to paint. I am happy with the result. :)

I found the picture by googling and you can see it here. I left some of it of and changed her lips a little bit so she won't look so sour. :)


Lillie said...

You are full of creativity. Loved the sewing box and the mail art.

Unknown said...

so nice..i love the transformation, i wish i can do that :))