I started a new HAED... shame on me. But it's not my fault! The theme SAL at the HAED BB this weekend was a new start so I had no choice! :D My new HAED is Healers Touch. The chart is mostly green but of course I hit the brown patch when I started. :) I started it almost at the middle. I'm not going to stitch the black backround, I'm using black fabric instead (28ct evenweave). I only had some time to stitch this today. On Saturday I rearranged and cleaned all the cupboards in our kitchen and rearranged the furniture in the living room. Well I didn't do all that alone, my mum was really sweet and came to help me with this spring cleaning. My husband in the other hand left the premises. :D So on Sunday I gridded the fabric and pulled the threads and started stitching today after work. Here's my progress so far, not a lot :)